The 1Malaysia concept propounded by our PM has caught the imagination of the public,let assume that happened in the first place before further speculation.However,sceptism is rife regarding the practical aspects of this concept admist captivating slogan and promises.
First and foremost,the public are still divided along racial line.While tolerant attitude may keep us from at each other throat,there are still a long way for us to go before we truly become one Malaysia.There are still some "native race" who dont recognise Chinese and Indian as being an integral part of our society even after 50 years of independence.The perception that chinese and Indian do not belong to this country and sould be treated as outsiders still prevail in some conservative part of out country.Surely,the minority will be incensed by these kind of blatant remark suck as :" Cina balik Tongsan la,Indian balik india la.".Please bear in mind,the true native are the real indigenous people such as Penan,Murut and etc.While we are in a globalised world where boundaries no longer a distinct feature,and people are known as global citizen,continuos squabble about one true origin is nonsensical and anachronistic.In my opinion,we must first discard these outmoded perception of origin before we can truly united under one nation.
On the other hand,religion also barriade us from unity im diversity.In spite that the right of every race to pracice its own religion is enshrined under the constitution,general perception is that all other religion are overshadowed by the all Islam as the formal religion of our country.There is seperation between different religion where minimum contact and interaction or mutual discussion are to be avoided like harbingers of doom.There proposal of inter-religious forum and commision are met with fiery opposition by chauvinist and bigots who belive their religion should be propagated at the expense of other religion.The inter-religious forum organised by the Bar council resulted in demonstration and nearly riot.Every religion prohibit other to visit their sacred site and it is deemed blasphemous when someone from some quater voice his/her opinion about other religion,which result in instant lashing by the relevent authorities.When public does not undersatand the value and practice of other religion,unity is analogous to building castle is the midair.
Another major hindrance to unity among different races is the deprivation of rights of other minoriy under the affirmation policy of the government.I am sure that all the other minority races understand the need to assist the native to climb the ladder of economiy after being isolated in remote are under British divide and rule policy.We also understand that we need to eradicate the phenomenon of poverty among native and assist them to enter into other sector such as trade and industry so that the division of races along different sector can become a thimg of the past.However,the overaealous steps bt the authority spell disater to other minority races.For instance,almost 100% of the government project are tendered by native,chinese and Indian medium school are deprived of allocation and thrive on their own effort.Chinese do not mind if they have to compromise some of their economy dominance,but not under the extent of total denial of level playing field in economy participation.The affimative action should ceased to exist when it achieve its target of 30& equity own by Malay.Prolong affirmative action only trigger fear among chinese and indian of the possibility of being totally wiped out in economy.
On the other hand,the insensitive remark by certain politician who try to score political brownie point through inciting racial hatred make matter worse.Even
our government are divided along racial line.MCA,MIC,UMNO only protect the right of the race they claim to represent,without regard to other races,while trying to portray themselve as the Hero of the race by undermining the rights others.Even among pakatan rakyat,PAS is a thorn in the flesh as it try to propagate malay and islamic agenda,for example,the PAS government is Kedah persist with its plan to reserve 50% quota in house buying and demolish a pig abbatoir admist intense opposition by DAP.PAS even oppose the liberisation of economy by PM.
Although there are many hindrance in our path to be truly united,it is heartening to note that our pm is trying his best to unite our country through 1malaysia concept.We only hope that further concrete action whould be undertaken to enliven this concept
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Clear Head in Crisis
The sudden death of Teo Beng Hock spurred up nationwide outcry and everyone is awe-struck by this sudden incident.This again raise concern about the protection of basic human right and liberty in our country.
First and foremost,public raise concern toward the procedure being applied by MACC in probing the detainee.Long hour of incessant questioning coupled with harsh word and intimidation undermine the basic principle of human right,and violate the principle of democracy,that is presumption of innocence before a person can be convicted " beyond reasonable doubt". 23 hour of incessant probing is a sheer torture to normal person and there is possibility that he may crack under pressure.A person should not be subjected to harsh treatment when he is not convicted under rule.Imposing harsh treatment is tantamount of forcing a presumably innocent person to confide under pressure.I didnt suggest that MACC treat the detainee harshly,normal procedure of MACC would never allowed this to happen.However,the integrity of MACC will at stake due to the abuse of power by a few blacksheep.I am just suggesting,sorry if it is offensive.
Secondly,there are major sceptical of the allegedly selective prosecution by MACC.i will not delve deep into that.What i want to to stress is MACC should live up to its motto by staying neutral and uphold its basic principle of integrity and accountability.The best way is prosecution without fear or flavour.It is an uphill struggle for MACC to regain the public confident and salvage its tarnish image.
However,there are some speck of light in the dark room.For the first time,political bigshot irrespective of political affiliation are thinking along the same line , united in their condemnation of MACC probing prosedure and requesting a royal commission for inquest and throughout investigation into TEO's death.Suddenly,political division line is blurred by common acknowledgement of the seriousness of the incident,which pose a treat to the fundamental value of upholdinf humanity in our country.Unfortunately,racist remark crept in and once again,we are using issue of race to divert public attention.Once again,some quater tend to whip up public sentiment bt their insensitive issue and try to portray themselves as heroes in crisis,thereby intensify the gravity of the issue
Once again,I pledge to all malaysia to stay clear headed and stay away from making unfounded speculation and succumb to emotional sentiment.I pledge to PM to allow the child to have TEO as his/her surname.Special circumstances require special measure .Laws are craeted by human,and humanity is the core of law.Hence,where humanity is concern,law will play as a second fiddle.I pledge also to PM to investigate the incident by upholding transparity and accountibility
First and foremost,public raise concern toward the procedure being applied by MACC in probing the detainee.Long hour of incessant questioning coupled with harsh word and intimidation undermine the basic principle of human right,and violate the principle of democracy,that is presumption of innocence before a person can be convicted " beyond reasonable doubt". 23 hour of incessant probing is a sheer torture to normal person and there is possibility that he may crack under pressure.A person should not be subjected to harsh treatment when he is not convicted under rule.Imposing harsh treatment is tantamount of forcing a presumably innocent person to confide under pressure.I didnt suggest that MACC treat the detainee harshly,normal procedure of MACC would never allowed this to happen.However,the integrity of MACC will at stake due to the abuse of power by a few blacksheep.I am just suggesting,sorry if it is offensive.
Secondly,there are major sceptical of the allegedly selective prosecution by MACC.i will not delve deep into that.What i want to to stress is MACC should live up to its motto by staying neutral and uphold its basic principle of integrity and accountability.The best way is prosecution without fear or flavour.It is an uphill struggle for MACC to regain the public confident and salvage its tarnish image.
However,there are some speck of light in the dark room.For the first time,political bigshot irrespective of political affiliation are thinking along the same line , united in their condemnation of MACC probing prosedure and requesting a royal commission for inquest and throughout investigation into TEO's death.Suddenly,political division line is blurred by common acknowledgement of the seriousness of the incident,which pose a treat to the fundamental value of upholdinf humanity in our country.Unfortunately,racist remark crept in and once again,we are using issue of race to divert public attention.Once again,some quater tend to whip up public sentiment bt their insensitive issue and try to portray themselves as heroes in crisis,thereby intensify the gravity of the issue
Once again,I pledge to all malaysia to stay clear headed and stay away from making unfounded speculation and succumb to emotional sentiment.I pledge to PM to allow the child to have TEO as his/her surname.Special circumstances require special measure .Laws are craeted by human,and humanity is the core of law.Hence,where humanity is concern,law will play as a second fiddle.I pledge also to PM to investigate the incident by upholding transparity and accountibility
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Phase of Live
Time flies.How true it that.I finished my secondary school in a fleeting moment,like a flashing of a scene in the movie of my live.
The seven month after spm 2008 is a mixture of excitement and dissapointment.I am like going through an emotional rollercoaster and everything that happened ranged from unbelievable to unacceptable.
During the first 3 month,i have to go through the much-feared driving lesson.Borned not adept and slow in reaction,I bump around with my "sifu" fidgeting beside ,yelling instruction,voice booming louder each time i nearlly run into an imminent car.The funny thing is ,the louder he yell,the more oblivious i am to his instruction.You can guess how frustrated he was from the look of his face,which clearly twisted in anger.
Besides the gruelling driving lessons,i enjoyed reading political books( that doesnt mean i am a nerd ) such as Malay Dilemma,chinese Dilemma,Winning strategy of anwar ibrahim,In Faith,Moving Forward,the Audacity of hope , May 13 declassification,..... Being interested in politic doesnt mean you are endearing yourself toward the path of self destruction in the treacherous political wolrd.It is a maturing process,a process by which we came to realise the fundamental problem of our nation,its origin and how to root it out.It give us a sense of belonging to the nation.It shows that we actually care about the general well being of mankind,especially under the dogmatic believe that chinese do not belong to this country.People may remain cynical by saying:" what could you do to save this country? why act like as if you are superheroes?" This sense of apathy and indifference is the reason why all the deep-rooted problem not being solved.
What are the deep-rooted problem? Top the list is the division of rakyat along racial and political line.I wish to delved deeper into this issue by referiing to my experience in the following 4 month.
After i recieved my spm result,which find myself topping malacca,with 13A1 ( please dont misunderstood,i am not bragging,i need to use this for later writing,sorry if it make you uncomfortable ) ,people around me seems more excited and happy than I am,with list of congrates,annoying probe from the press( i am not selfish to share study skil,but they boast it as if it is the panacea to achieve great exam result).I am not being hypocitical,as being alleged(now i understand why some people dont like to be under limelight),but there are really no short cut to success.You need to toil,persevere,which many fail to realise and think it is due to sheer genius. ( mind you,my mensa is only 128/180------FAIL)
As people always says,Malysia government are capable of doing unexpected thing in a logical way.i was declined a place to study law under JPA PILN scholarship,which is like a punch to my face.As usual, people fuss around me again,some showing empathy,some add salt to the bruises by being cynical.Maybe this is how our government trains us to be tough and want us to stand on our own fear.However,furore and clamour by all quaters help me to secure my scholarship at last.I am lucky,but how about others ? there are scores of 12 A1 student being denied their place in which other with only 6A1 secure it.where is the justification? I am not hurdling criticism to government( as being warned by Jpa), I just worry about the brain drain predicament our society is facing.How our bright student perceive the country if they are denied level playing ground since young and beguiled by the lack of transparency and accountabiity.They love their country,but not when their country dont love them.
However,there are "silver lining in every dark cloud". The one month in KMJ is the best part of my lives.KOLEJ MATRIKULASI JOHOR is not as bad as percieved by outsiders.Not only the teacher are dedicated,Different races go along well, respecting each other values and religion.It is in KMJ i discard my racial stereotype.It is here that i discover that Malay are nice and very friendly,humble,caring,and tolerant.People always say:" do unto others what you want others to do unto you". By mutual courteosy and understanding,we are able to bridge the gap of race and religion.There are no so called race as our blood are all red deep inside.It is only the custom and ways of lives that pose the barrier,and the only way to transcend the barrier is to embrace the different among us .With due respect for each other,we are truly one species known as homo sapiens.We can even joke about our different believe and engage in enlightening discussion.The lecturer there are all unbiased and gave equal treatment to all.You see,race relation only turn bitter when politician incite racial hatred to score some brownie point.By refusing to succumb to their agenda,we are able to ge along well.There are no so called striping of racial right by another races.We are living in a globalised world,where the economic pies are getting larger.Instead of at each other throat for the small piece of pie,why not we collaborate to make it bigger,so that each one of us have a bigger share.There are no superior or inferior races.Every race has their own inherent weakness due to historical factors.This is why we need each other assistence to correct the weakness.If malay are economically backward compare to chinese; chinese are society are a mess,disorganised and constantly engage in internak squabble compare to the unity among malay.Religion also does not pose barrier to unity.Ironically, I learned all about Buddhism in KMJ, and as a result transform mr from a atheist to a devoted buddhist. Kudos to KMJ for allowing free propagation of religion for the minority.All the religion teaches us to respect people who are different from us provided that they does not harm us.
TO End on a general note, i wish Malaysia can be truly multicultural in the future.
(I am under the rules and regulations of JPA schoalrship,hence, the political issue i wrote will be more evasive and tend to be mild,but i will write following my conciousness,being unbiased and hold accountable to all.)
The seven month after spm 2008 is a mixture of excitement and dissapointment.I am like going through an emotional rollercoaster and everything that happened ranged from unbelievable to unacceptable.
During the first 3 month,i have to go through the much-feared driving lesson.Borned not adept and slow in reaction,I bump around with my "sifu" fidgeting beside ,yelling instruction,voice booming louder each time i nearlly run into an imminent car.The funny thing is ,the louder he yell,the more oblivious i am to his instruction.You can guess how frustrated he was from the look of his face,which clearly twisted in anger.
Besides the gruelling driving lessons,i enjoyed reading political books( that doesnt mean i am a nerd ) such as Malay Dilemma,chinese Dilemma,Winning strategy of anwar ibrahim,In Faith,Moving Forward,the Audacity of hope , May 13 declassification,..... Being interested in politic doesnt mean you are endearing yourself toward the path of self destruction in the treacherous political wolrd.It is a maturing process,a process by which we came to realise the fundamental problem of our nation,its origin and how to root it out.It give us a sense of belonging to the nation.It shows that we actually care about the general well being of mankind,especially under the dogmatic believe that chinese do not belong to this country.People may remain cynical by saying:" what could you do to save this country? why act like as if you are superheroes?" This sense of apathy and indifference is the reason why all the deep-rooted problem not being solved.
What are the deep-rooted problem? Top the list is the division of rakyat along racial and political line.I wish to delved deeper into this issue by referiing to my experience in the following 4 month.
After i recieved my spm result,which find myself topping malacca,with 13A1 ( please dont misunderstood,i am not bragging,i need to use this for later writing,sorry if it make you uncomfortable ) ,people around me seems more excited and happy than I am,with list of congrates,annoying probe from the press( i am not selfish to share study skil,but they boast it as if it is the panacea to achieve great exam result).I am not being hypocitical,as being alleged(now i understand why some people dont like to be under limelight),but there are really no short cut to success.You need to toil,persevere,which many fail to realise and think it is due to sheer genius. ( mind you,my mensa is only 128/180------FAIL)
As people always says,Malysia government are capable of doing unexpected thing in a logical way.i was declined a place to study law under JPA PILN scholarship,which is like a punch to my face.As usual, people fuss around me again,some showing empathy,some add salt to the bruises by being cynical.Maybe this is how our government trains us to be tough and want us to stand on our own fear.However,furore and clamour by all quaters help me to secure my scholarship at last.I am lucky,but how about others ? there are scores of 12 A1 student being denied their place in which other with only 6A1 secure it.where is the justification? I am not hurdling criticism to government( as being warned by Jpa), I just worry about the brain drain predicament our society is facing.How our bright student perceive the country if they are denied level playing ground since young and beguiled by the lack of transparency and accountabiity.They love their country,but not when their country dont love them.
However,there are "silver lining in every dark cloud". The one month in KMJ is the best part of my lives.KOLEJ MATRIKULASI JOHOR is not as bad as percieved by outsiders.Not only the teacher are dedicated,Different races go along well, respecting each other values and religion.It is in KMJ i discard my racial stereotype.It is here that i discover that Malay are nice and very friendly,humble,caring,and tolerant.People always say:" do unto others what you want others to do unto you". By mutual courteosy and understanding,we are able to bridge the gap of race and religion.There are no so called race as our blood are all red deep inside.It is only the custom and ways of lives that pose the barrier,and the only way to transcend the barrier is to embrace the different among us .With due respect for each other,we are truly one species known as homo sapiens.We can even joke about our different believe and engage in enlightening discussion.The lecturer there are all unbiased and gave equal treatment to all.You see,race relation only turn bitter when politician incite racial hatred to score some brownie point.By refusing to succumb to their agenda,we are able to ge along well.There are no so called striping of racial right by another races.We are living in a globalised world,where the economic pies are getting larger.Instead of at each other throat for the small piece of pie,why not we collaborate to make it bigger,so that each one of us have a bigger share.There are no superior or inferior races.Every race has their own inherent weakness due to historical factors.This is why we need each other assistence to correct the weakness.If malay are economically backward compare to chinese; chinese are society are a mess,disorganised and constantly engage in internak squabble compare to the unity among malay.Religion also does not pose barrier to unity.Ironically, I learned all about Buddhism in KMJ, and as a result transform mr from a atheist to a devoted buddhist. Kudos to KMJ for allowing free propagation of religion for the minority.All the religion teaches us to respect people who are different from us provided that they does not harm us.
TO End on a general note, i wish Malaysia can be truly multicultural in the future.
(I am under the rules and regulations of JPA schoalrship,hence, the political issue i wrote will be more evasive and tend to be mild,but i will write following my conciousness,being unbiased and hold accountable to all.)
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