Thursday, December 10, 2009

100 ways to success and motivate yourself

Recently, i finished reading " 100 ways to motivate yourself " by Steve Chandler and i find it very inspiring and provide the catalyst to success by first keep yourself motivated. Below are the summary and excerpts from the book.)

1)Get on your deathbed

Imagine yourself going to pass away in no time. What will you be thinking?

Most of us will feel a tinge of regret for not accomplishing our goals and dreams

So we should do what we want today as if we will not be able to do that tomorrow

By programming your mind in this way , you will aware of the gift of life.

2)Stay hungry

We must have desire to succeed

By creating a vision of what we want to be, we will be motivated by our vision and goals.

In long term, we will then live into the picture as if it is already true

3) Tell yourself a lie

Lying to yourself by creating a vision of who we want to be, mke it as great as possible

Fake it until you make it

4) Keep your eye on the price

Focus on what you want

keep reminding yourself what you want in life

Focus on what we want instead of negative possibilities

5) Learn to sweat in peace

Push yourself as hard as possible. ( not over the limit)

Remember " the harder you are on yourself, the easier life is on you"

Pick out something harder than usual to do, confront the challenge instead of letting challenges to confront you

6)Simplify your life

Weed out all the activities that dont contribute to your projected goal to reduce distraction

Combine your task to simplify it

7) Look for the gold

See the best in others

See life as full of happiness

See opportunities in every crisis

Remember " What you are is What you see "

8)Push all the button

Prepare all the material that motivate you so that you are motivated all the times

9)Build a track record
0n :

1) Finished task

2) What i am going to do

being organised give you a sense of accomplishment

10) Welcome the unexpected

Be creative--come up with all kinds of creative solution to the challenges in life

11) Find your master key

Find an instruction book on how to make your life work

recommendation (from me) 1) your roadmap to success by john C maxwell
2) The key to richness--napoleon hill
3) 7 habit of highly effective people by Stephen R covey

12) Put your library on wheel

Even when you are driving or on car, you can listen to audiobook to motivate yourself

there are many website for audiobook like learn out aloud,

13) Definite plan your work

Keep your work up to date

14) Bounce your thought

Reprogramming your dominant thought toward postive one

Bounce your thought

Think optimistically more and more often until it feel natural

15) Light your lazy dynamite
Do something you dun like slowly ,begin slowly

At least you do it

The more you do, the more you like it

Break job into smaller piece

16) Choose the happy few
Politely walk away from friend who dont support the changes in your life

Associate with people with positive thinking

Make a list of friend who are optimistic and happy

17) Learn to play a role

You are the thinker who determine who you will be

Your thought wil shape your life

Your emotion are yours to make, our emotion are result of our thinking

so think positively

18) Dont just do something, sit there

Be still and completely relax

just be with yourself, away from all the distraction

you wil be talking to your soul

Discover your inner self

19)Use your brain chemical
Stimulate your mind to unleash the chemical which make you happy

Program your mind to think positively

20) Leave high school forever

We are self concious when we are adolescent

we worry what other think of us

Why should we let other to dictate our life and the way we act?

Do what you think are correct, dont be detered by others remark

21) Learn to lose your coolDont be timid and non-assertive

dare to look bad and lose face

Just be who you are, be honest with yourself

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